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We’re listed in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce (CoC) in the Netherlands, otherwise known as the Kamer van Koophandel (KvK).
A part of the commercial register under SBI/BIK number: 47919 - Retail trade via the internet (web store) in general (non-food) items. Among which occasional and specialized items.
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All rights of the products lie with the manufacturers, we only sell them, if there is something wrong or faulty with their product, items or services they are responsible.
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Our website contains links to external websites of third parties, over whose contents we have no control. We can therefore offer no guarantee for these contents. The relevant provider or operator is solely responsible for the contents of such linked sites. The linked sites were checked for possible infringement of legal regulations at the time of creating the links. No illegal contents were apparent at the time of creating the links. Permanent checking of the contents is however unreasonable without firm suspicion of legal infringements. If legal infringements become known, such links will be removed immediately.
The content of our own websites has been carefully compiled but may nevertheless contain errors. We may not be held liable for them. In the case of any doubt, please contact us. We are grateful for information on any errors which may be contained in our websites.